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Small Business Energy Assessment

We can start you for free toward greater energy efficiency

When it comes to starting your small business on a path toward greater energy efficiency, it’s helpful to understand where you’re beginning. That’s where we can help with our Small Business Energy Assessment program. We come to you to do an energy assessment of your small business. Read more about what you get and then sign up today.

What you get*

Easy ways to directly improve your workspace and increase savings, including:

  • A no-cost comprehensive assessment and energy savings report.
  • Proposal including additional energy-efficiency upgrade opportunities, if eligible.
  • Installation of no-cost LED lighting and other low-cost energy-saving products.
  • Reduced energy use and savings on your bill.
  • Improved work environment for employees and customers.

Eligible businesses may be able to take advantage of these simple energy upgrades:

  • LED lighting: Fixture upgrades, exterior lighting, exit and open signs
  • Water savers: Low-flow faucet aerators, pre-rinse spray heads
  • HVAC: Web-enabled and occupancy-based thermostats
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters
*Program participation is subject to eligibility and availability. Installations that require a mechanical lift will have a cost to the customer.

Get Started

If your small business meets all the requirements detailed in the section below, sign up to apply for our Small Business Energy Assessment program.

How you qualify

To be eligible for PSE's Small Business Energy Assessment program:
You must be a current PSE commercial electric*, natural gas or dual fuel* (using both) customer with a small business under 10,000 square feet (or a hotel with 150 rooms or less). This may include:

  • Small offices and retail
  • Small and independent restaurants, grocers and convenience stores
  • Small commercial laundries
  • Hotels, motels and other lodging businesses (with 150 rooms or less)
  • Small medical and dental offices
  • Small farms and agricultural businesses, greenhouses and dairies
  • Small livestock production, nurseries and food processors

New construction projects are not eligible.

Churches are eligible where they offer the following services:

  • Daycare
  • Private school
  • Offices that operate a minimum standard 40-hour work week
*PSE electric customers have the greatest energy-saving potential in this program, as the natural gas opportunities within it are naturally smaller. Customers in Snohomish County can take advantage of this program’s offerings for both of their fuel types due to a partnership between PSE and Snohomish County PUD. Contact us at if you have any questions.
business energy resources
Ask an Energy Advisor

For personalized advice, contact an Energy Advisor.

Or call 1-800-562-1482.

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See how our program helped La Central, a small business in Kent.

Vea cómo nuestro programa ayudó a La Central, una pequeña empresa en Kent.